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The team of Ammann Patent Attorneys Ltd.

Stefan Blaser
Dr. Sc. nat. Dipl.-Phys.
Patent Attorney, CEO
T +41 31 387 50 50
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Stefan Blaser has many years of experience in advising and representing clients in cases of patents, trademarks and design, especially in these specialties: Engineering, medical- and dental technology, the clock making industry, process engineering and electronics. German is his native language, he can also communicate in English and French and has some knowledge of Japanese.

Scientific Background

Stefan Blaser studied physics and mathematics at the university of Bern and earned his diploma in theoretical particle physics. In 1998 he earned his PhD from the ETH Zürich in the department for construction, environment and geomatics in hydromechanics. Afterward he spent some time for a post-doctorate at the university of Tokyo where he researched the phenomenon of bioluminescence of plankton.

In 2001 Stefan Blaser joined the Ammann Patentanwälte AG. In 2004 and 2005 he increased his competence via internships with the European Patent Office in the examination and objection department as well as with the board of appeals. He has been a licensed European Patent Attorney since 2006 and earned a diploma in “Patent Litigation in Europe” from the University of Strasbourg. Stefan Blaser works as an epi-tutor for candidates for the European Patent Attorney exam. He is also involved as an examination expert for the Swiss Patent Attorney exam.


  • Association of Swiss and European Patent Attorneys in Private Practice (VESPA)
  • Institute of Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
  • Institute for commercial legal protection (INGRES)
  • Swiss Physical Society (SPS)
  • American Physical Society (APS)
  • ETH Alumni Association
  • Alumni UniBE
Paul Furtwängler
M. Ed. Biology and Philosophy,
BSc (Hons) Open, Patent Professional
T +41 31 387 50 50
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Paul Furtwängler works as a consultant in a variety of fields, including medical technology, biotechnology, genetic engineering,
laboratory technology, construction technology, pump technology and the packaging industry.
His native language is German and he is fluent in English.

Scientific background
Paul Furtwängler studied biology and philosophy at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (DE) and graduated with a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in these subjects.
He then went on to complete a general Bachelor of Sciences degree with a broad scientific focus at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK.

In 2021, Paul Furtwängler began his training as a European and Swiss patent attorney at our partner law firm IPS Irsch AG in Frauenfeld. Since summer 2023, in addition to this work, he has been supporting Ammann Patent Attorneys Ltd. within the IPS Irsch Group in order to further increase the synergy effects of the cooperation.

As Head of Corporate Development, he is also dedicated to the strategic growth and further development of Ammann Patent Attorneys Ltd.


  • Association of Independent European and Swiss Patent Attorneys (VESPA)

Michael Störzbach
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem.
Patent Attorney, Consultant
T +41 31 387 50 50
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Michael Störzbach specializes in physical chemistry, computer engineering and electronics and has many years of experience as a patent attorney. German is his native language, and he also communicates in English and French. 

Scientific Background

Dr. Michael Störzbach earned his diploma in chemistry at the University of Freiburg (DE). He earned his PhD in 1991 in organic electro-chemistry with a minor in computer sciences. 

Michael Störzbach joined the Ammann Patentanwälte AG in 1991. He is a Swiss Patent Attorney and a European Patent Attorney admitted to pratice before the European Patent Office since 1995. He has also been a part-time judge with the Swiss Patent Court since 2018. From its creation up to 2023, he was a member of the Examination Commission which is responsible for the execution of the examination required to obtain the title Swiss Patent Attorney.


  • German Chemist Society (GDCh)
  • Specialist Group Patent Law of GDCh
  • Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark (VSP)
  • Institute of Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
  • Association of Swiss and European Patent Attorneys in Private Practice (VESPA)
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
Michel Seehof
Dipl. Physicist
Patent Attorney, Consultant
T +41 31 387 50 50
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Michel Seehof has a diploma in physics and has many years of experience in matters of patents, trademarks and designs, especially also in passing protective rights in Swiss and international courts. He also assisted in several patent processes as a specialist. German is his native language and he also communicates in French and German. 

Scientific Background

Michel Seehof has a diploma in physics from Frankfurt University (DE). while working in a laboratory he focused on optics, especially laser optics. 

Michel Seehof began working for the Ammann Patentanwälte AG in 1972. He is a Swiss Patent Attorney and is one of the first people to be licensed by the European Patent Office. Up until 2021 he was responsible for the operative and strategic leading of the company. He is a founding member of VESPA and was a member of its board of directors for more than two decades. He was also the initiator of the Swiss Patent Attorney Law. Alongside his work as a patent attorney, he also committed himself to the strengthening of the patent attorney profession as a trainer of candidates as well as a long-term member of the examination boards for the European Licensing Exam.


  • Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark (VSP)
  • Association of Swiss and European Patent Attorneys in Private Practice (VESPA)
  • Institute of Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
  • Swiss Association for Optics and Microscopics (SSOM)
Sabrina Oberleitner
Head of Administration, Paralegal

T +41 31 387 50 50
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Sabrina Oberleitner has supported our team since 2019 with a focus on patent and trademark administration.

German, French, English, Spanish

Karin Heiniger

T +41 31 387 50 50
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Karin Heiniger has supported our team since 2012 with a focus on trademark and design administration. 

German, English, Japanese, French

Do you have any questions? Please contact us without obligation.